World Oceans Day 2020: World Oceans Day is celebrated on June 8th every year to remind the importance of oceans in our everyday life. Oceans are the lungs of our planet Earth which provide about 70% of the oxygen we breathe. The main purpose of this day is to foster public interest in the conservation and sustainable management of the world’s oceans and their valuable resources.
Oceans are the source of food, rainwater, oxygen, medicine, and means of livelihood to many people. Oceans are also important part of the biosphere which helps in regulating the climate and the weather patterns on the Earth. At the end, World Oceans Day 2020 is a day to celebrate the beauty, the invaluable wealth, and the promise of the oceans.
Theme of World Oceans Day 2020
The theme for this year World Oceans Day 2020 is “Innovation for a Sustainable Ocean”.
History of World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day has been celebrated since 2002 by United Nations member states (193 countries). The idea of World Oceans Day was originally proposed by Canada’s International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD) and the Ocean Institute of Canada (OIC) in 1992 at the Earth Summit conducted at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil but it was officially recognised by the UN (United Nations) in 2008.
The Ocean Project along with World Ocean Network had made coordinated efforts in the promotion of the World Oceans Day. Since 2016, The World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council has also joined the movement and is helping in lead conservation awareness.
World Oceans Day 2020 Movement
This year World Oceans Day has started a global campaign called 30X30 which calls all the global leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. This movement protects atleast 30% of our world’s oceans through a network of highly protected areas.
You can join this movement by signing the global petition.
Why should we care about our oceans?
Oceans provide numerous benefits to the planet Earth and all creatures (flora and fauna) that live there. Some of the benefits are listed below:
Producer of Oxygen and Carbon Sink: Oceans produce about 70% % of the oxygen we breathe and absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by manmade activities.
Regulation of Climate: Oceans cover about 70% of the Earth’s surface, thus regulating the climate and the weather patterns on the Earth.
Transportation: About 90% of the world’s trade is dependent on marine transportation (shipping).
Economy: It is estimated that the ocean economy accounts for US$3-6 trillion/year which includes employment and ecosystem services. About 260 million people depend on fisheries, aquaculture, and other jobs related to oceans.
Food: Oceans are the largest source of protein in the world. They are the primary source of protein for more than 3 billion people.

What can you do on this World Oceans Day 2020
During this pandemic COVID crisis, it is not advised to conduct beach cleanup or any public gathering which may cause violation of social distancing norms. However, you can celebrate the World Oceans Day 2020 online by
Empower your actions through your art work! Submit your art to our facebook page or [email protected] Every participant will be award e-certificate and exciting prizes for the best art work.
Essay Writing
Inspire millions of people with your words! Write us about the importance of oceans, conservation or any essay topic reflecting the oceans. Send us your essays to our email [email protected]
Read Interesting Articles
We have attached interesting and engaging articles on Oceans and World Oceans Day from some of the best websites in the references section. Here are some interesting articles from us.
Read about Why You Should Know About Corals and Coral Bleaching
Read about Why Do Fish Not Freeze in Cold Water?
Facts about Oceans
Do you know, Oceans are the largest source of protein in the world. They are the primary source of protein for more than 3 billion people.
Oceans are natural carbon sinks. They absorb about 30% of carbon dioxide produced by manmade activities.
Marine phytoplankton produces 50% of oxygen on the Earth.
Blue carbon: The carbon stored in the marine and coastal ecosystems are called Blue carbon.
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