Satellite Band Combinations are extensively used for Image Interpretation to highlight certain feature or to identify a certain material from the satellite imagery.

This is possible by leveraging


The image was taken from Sentinel-2 with 13 bands. The image is

How to download Sentinel 2 data

This interactive tool lets you explore different Satellite Band Combinations. Try some of these band combinations.

True Color


False color


False color (urban)

B12, B11,B4

Explore Satellite Band Combinations

Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2024] processed by Sentinel Hub

How to use

Let us try to explore a false color composite by selecting Band 8 for red, Band 4 for green and Band 3 for blue. This creates a false color composite displaying vegetation in red color. It may take a while to load the image for the first time. 

You can observe that the application loads instantly after the first use. Explore different satellite band combinations of your choice and see how the features are highlighted. 

Technical details

Sentinel-2 L1C

Remote Sensing



Copernicus Sentinel data 2024 processed by Sentinel Hub

Sentinel Hub EO Browser

Copernicus Open Access Hub

Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem




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