Described in early 2012 and 2013, CRISPR is one of the most revolutionary techniques in modern biological sciences. What does CRISPR stand for? CRISPR […]
Category: Saunri Dhodi Lobo
Why Do Fish Not Freeze in Cold Water?
Think about this: The freezing point of pure water is 0°C , and our cells are made up of 70% water, then how do fish […]
Australian Bushfires 2019
Introduction to Australian Bushfires Australian Wildfires, also called Bush Fires are common in the Australian Landscape. In fact, there is a ‘fire season’ every year. […]
What are Life Sciences and Careers in Life Sciences
If you like Biology, and don’t want to study medicine to become a doctor, do not be afraid, that is not the end of your […]
Difference between Warm Blooded and Cold Blooded Animals
You may find that some animals including birds and mammals can live across wide places on Earth, from the hot tropical climates near the equator […]
Autonomic Nervous System Simplified
Before we try to understand the Autonomic Nervous System, let us look at the meaning of the following terms: Neuron: A Neuron is a specialized […]
Top 10 Books that Spark Curiosity in Life Sciences
Life Sciences deals with everything that involves living organisms. The following is a list of books to read that will pique your interest in Life […]
8 Surprising Facts About Colour and Colour Vision Deficiency
Here is the list of 8 Surprising Facts About Colour and Colour Vision Deficiency! 1. Infants are born colour blind and develop colour vision slowly; […]
Most Searched Google Question and Answers about Tardigrades!
Here are the Most Searched Google Question and Answers about Tardigrades! What do tardigrades eat on the moon? Can tardigrades die? Are Tardigrades dangerous? […]
10 Interesting Facts about Tardigrades
10 Interesting Facts about Tardigrades! Are Tardigrades immortal? Can Tardigrades Survive outer space ? Here is the list of top 10 Interesting Facts about Tardigrades! […]