50 of the most Googled Interesting Space Questions are listed below. How to become an Astronaut? What is a Space Probe? Why space is black? And many more questions and answers are listed.
1. Can we see the Space Station from Earth?
Yes, The International Space Station (ISS) can be seen from anywhere on Earth. It can be seen when it is dawn or dusk and requires a cloud-free weather to spot it with naked eye. It may appear as an aircraft or as a bright star similar to Venus. You can also use some mobile apps or use the NASA’s Spot The Station website to get the exact position and time about the ISS visibility from Earth.

2. Why was NASA created?
NASA was established in 1958 as part of space race between the United States and the USSR (Soviet Union). NASA has conducted several manned and unmanned spaceflights as part of this space race. Finally, the space race came to an end when Neil Armstrong mentioned mankind when he first stepped down on the Moon.
3. How was Space created?
Most Scientists and Astronomers believe that the Universe was formed around 13.7 billion years ago during an event called the Big Bang. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model for our universe.
4. Can birds fly in Space?
5. Does Space Ever End?
6. How much does a Space Shuttle weigh?
The total weight of Space Shuttle at the beginning of the launch is about 4.4 million pounds and it weighs only 165,000 pounds when empty. The fuel weighs almost 20 times more than the Space Shuttle.
7. Can you see stars in Space?
8. How fast is The International Space Station (ISS) moving in space?
The International Space Station travels at a speed of roughly 17,150 miles per hour (which is about 5 miles per second or 7.66 km/s). It orbits around the Earth once every 92 minutes.
9. What is the temperature in outer space?
The outer space is very, very cold with a temperature of roughly -454.81 Fahrenheit. The cold temperatures are due to the lack of atmosphere and vacuum of the space.
10. Can you shoot a gun in space?
11. What is the Goldilocks Zone?
The Goldilocks Zone is remarkably a small region of space which refers to the habitable zone around a star where the temperature is just right – not too hot and not too cold to support liquid water on a planet.
12. What orbits the Earth?
The Moon, The International Space Station and more than 8,000 manmade objects orbit around the Earth.
13. How many rovers are on Mars?
There are four rovers on Mars managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. They are Sojourner, Opportunity, Spirit and Curiosity. All these four rovers are robotically operated and managed from Earth.
14. How long does it take to orbit the Earth?
Time required to orbit around the Earth is dependent on the distance of the object from the Earth. The Moon takes about 27.32 days to orbit the Earth while The International Space Station (ISS) orbits around the Earth once every 92 minutes.
15. How was Mars named?
Romans named Mars after their God of War (Mars) befitting the bloody red color.
16. Who is a Cosmonaut?
A Russian Astronaut is called Cosmonaut.
17. Do you age in Space?
Yes, but a bit more slowly than the people on Earth due to time dilation.
18. What is a Space Probe?
A space probe is a robotic spacecraft that explores further into outer space to carryout various missions. Sputnik 1 was the first probe to go into space.
19. Does Mars have gravity?
Yes but it is much weaker than Earth’s gravity (about 62% lower than Earth). The gravity of Mars is about 3.711 m/s².
20. Where is Kennedy Space Center?
The John F. Kennedy Space Center is located at Merritt Island of Florida.
21. How fast does a Space Shuttle go?
17,500 miles per hour (28,000 kilometers per hour)
The Space Shuttle must travel at this speed to remain in orbit.
22. What is spacetime?
Spacetime is any mathematical model that fuses the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time into a single four-dimensional continuum.
23. Can we live on Mars?
Yes but humans on Mars will require complex life-support systems.
24. How far is space?
The space is just about 100 kilometres (62 mi) above the Earth’s sea level. An imaginary the boundary between the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space is called The Kármán line.
This is one of the most interesting space questions as well one of the most misinterpreted question of all space questions.
25. Why space is black?
Space looks black because there is nothing to scatter or reflect the light in outer space and also our eyes aren’t sensitive to pick up distant light in space.
26. Who was the first woman in space?
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to fly to space. She was a Soviet cosmonaut and engineer to fly to space on Vostok 6 mission in June 16, 1963. She spent almost three days in space orbiting the Earth 48 times in her space capsule, Vostok 6.

27. Where is the asteroid belt?
The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter.
28. When was Mars discovered?
The ancient Egyptian astronomers in the 2nd millennium BCE were the first to observe the Mars. Detailed observations of the position of Mars were made by Babylonian astronomers but the first telescopic observation of Mars was made by Galileo Galilei in 1610.
29. What does an orbit mean?
The curved path of an object or a spacecraft round a star, planet, or moon is called orbit.
30. Can you see The Great Wall of China from space?
No, we can’t see. It is a space-based myth.
31. Can you see Mars?
Next Mars Close Approach, when Mars is brightest in the night sky, is Oct. 6, 2020.
32. Who was the first American in space?
Alan Shepard in 1961 became the first American to travel into space.

33. Does Mars have an atmosphere?
Yes, but it is composed mostly of carbon dioxide.
34. Who was the first man in space ?
Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961 became the first human to travel into space.
35. How long does it take to get to space?
It takes approximately 150 seconds for the space shuttle to get out of earth’s atmosphere.
36. Where is The International Space Station?
The International Space Station is constantly moving in space orbiting 400 kilometers above the Earth.
37. How long is a year on Mars?
A year on Mars is about 687 Earth days or almost 2 Earth years.
38. How much money do Astronauts make?
The salary of Astronauts is around $66,000 to $144,566 a year.
39. Is Mars bigger than Earth?
No, it is about half the diameter of Earth.
40. Why is Mars Red?
Mars is red in color due to the presence of Iron Oxide or Rust particles present on its surface.
41. How many satellites orbit the Earth?
There are 4857 satellites currently orbiting the planet Earth as per United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).
42. Is space a vacuum?
43. What is the temperature on Mars?
The average temperature on Mars is around minus-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Day temperatures can reach upto 70 degrees Fahrenheit but at night the temperature can plummet to about minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
44. Can you hear sounds in Space?
No, Sound cannot travel in Vacuum.
45. How to become an Astronaut?
This is probably one of the most interesting space questions!
U.S. citizens must meet the following qualifications to become an Astronaut:
A bachelor’s degree in STEM field.
At least 3+ years of related professional experience OR at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time on jet aircraft.
The ability to pass the NASA long-duration astronaut physical exam.
Learn More about Astronaut Requirements
46. What is an Asteroid?
A small rock orbiting the sun is called an Asteroid. Most of them are found in Asteroid Belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
47. Is there life on Mars?
No, there is no life on Mars.
NASA is working hard now to discover whether there is life on Mars. Yet another one of the interesting space questions!
48. How many moons does Mars have?
Mars has two moons called Phobos and Deimos. According to Roman myth, Mars rode on a chariot pulled by two horses named Phobos and Deimos (meaning fear and panic) which are the two natural satellites of Mars.
49. What does NASA stand for?
NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
50. How long does it take to get to Mars?
Six to eight months depending on distance from Earth. Every two years Mars is at its closest point to Earth which is an ideal time to send a spacecraft.
Questions for this Article “Interesting Space Questions Answered” are obtained from WIRED.
Astronauts Answer 50 of the Most Googled Space Questions | WIRED
Questions Courtesy – Mondovo
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